Monday, October 02, 2006

After about a year and a bit I've decided to close this blog. Partly because it's deserted haha but yea mostly because I want to write more things that are edifying to others instead of just mundane events in my life.
If you want to catch up please go to my "quiet time" blog

Monday, September 18, 2006

Test Test

I can feel the wind now
It’s so clear what I see up here
No chains to hold me down now
No past sins haunting me
Fly away on wings of your making
To be on the way to heaven

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Some will struggle to escape, while some will struggle to stay.

On Saturday when I left my mobile phone at home and had quite a hard time getting through my day I began to realise my dependence on my things just to function. Looking at my desk I can see there are some things that I don't think I can imagine my daily life without. My phone, my keys, my wallet, my ipod... these are my communication, my security, my measure of value and my inspiration.
I wonder if this is what life is supposed to be like, reliance on appliances.
Are we meant to live for so much more?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Doggy faceoff

Originally uploaded by m3g4mix.
Happy Father's Day from sydney!!
We went to a leash free park after church today and came across these 2 labradors who had a bit of a mexican standoff between a stick. The photo may not be clear but the one on the right is baiting the one on the left with a nice stick and you could feel the tension as they sized each other up.
(The two dogs then spent the next half an hour wrestling each other for the stick, ignoring the dozen other toys and balls lying around)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One of the things I've had to struggle with at uni lately is a course called professional practice which basically deconstructs everything I have learnt in the last 4 years with the lecturer saying:
"To become good at our profession, you have to take the romance out of architecture."
To me, it just sounds a bit off, kind of like to become good at something, you have to take away everything you love about it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wilco at Alderney Landing

One of my favourite bands ever, here I am after about 20 hours of working on a report, listening to Wilco just calms me down like sleep... Which reminds I should be sleeping

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Scary mum

Originally uploaded by m3g4mix.
My mum has never looked so scary as when she is bathed in eerie blue light .... ooo is that chocolate cake?